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Space Weather

1. Space weather activities in France

Space weather is the research field that deals with phenomenological aspects and the physical state of space environments. A variety of objectives are addressed by means of observation, monitoring, data analysis and modelling : to examine and predict the physical state of the Sun, interplanetary space, planetary environments (especially the terrestrial one) as well as the impact of perturbations, be they of solar origin or not ; to analyze in real time and predict possible effects on biological and technological systems.

All research activities dealing with solar-terrestrial relations in France are part of space weather, viz. : physics of the Sun and of the solar wind, physics of the terrestrial magnetosphere and its interaction with the atmosphere. The fundamental research involved in this field aims at investigating plasma processes that can be observed in situ in the heliosphere, but these processes are of general importance in astrophysics. An increasing number of data, methods and results obtained here are of interest for space weather and some of them are actually explicitly developed on this purpose.

More information on these issues can be found on laboratory web pages such as :

On the european side, a well documented website is European Space Weather Portal :

See also :


2. Data centers and space weather services in France :

2.1 From the Sun photosphere until 1 AU :

Sun in visible light :

Radiowave observations :

High-energy particles in the near-Earth environment :

Sun from space :

The terrestrial magnetosphere :

2.2 Data archiving and dissemination :


Analysis tools :

Data products and services :


2.3 Contacts :

  • Carine Briand (LESIA, Meudon) : coordination of "Environnement Spatial de la TErre : Recherche et Surveillance (ESTERS)" at Paris Observatory. This program includes researchers in space weather, space debris, and near-Earth objects. Mail :
  • Sacha Brun (CEA, Saclay) : member of IAU working group "Impact of Magnetic Activity on Solar and Stellar Environments". Mail :
  • Iannis Dandouras (IRAP, Toulouse) : member of "External Advisory Committee" in MAARBLE (Monitoring, Analyzing and Assessing Radiation Belt Loss and Energization), deputy director of "Planetary and Solar System Sciences Division" at EGU. Mail :
  • Thierry Dudok de Wit (LPC2E, Orléans) : head of "Soleil-Héliosphère-Magnétosphère" working group at CNES. Mail :
  • Jean Lilensten (IPAG, Grenoble) : member of European Space Weather Week program committee, co-director of "Space Weather and Space Climate" journal, ISWI (UN-COPUOS) delegate, training director of "space weather for engineers" program. Mail :
  • Christine Mazaudier (LPP, Palaiseau) : expert in equatorial ionosphere in charge of Groupe International de Recherches en Géophysique Europe-Afrique (GIRGEA). Mail :
  • Nicole Vilmer (LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, Meudon) :